Monday, November 9, 2009

Afraid of the resurrection ?


Relaxing in cozy hotel after a frightful event.

Holy Land, Nazareth / April 2006

   At Nazareth, we checked in our hotel called the ‘Plaza’ a modern building that stood on a hilltop. We stepped out of the hotel for photography, I being the cameraman and my wife the subject. I wanted to capture with a good view of the hotel as the background; so I had to back-step on to the main road.  Not realizing that the traffic system is different from Singapore as we adapt the English pattern. To me they are all crazy and appeared to be driving on the wrong side of the road.

Unfortunately or fortunately I had back-stepped into the path of a speeding car and missed by mere inches. The young Israeli male driver slammed on the brakes and his girl friend besides him gave out a loud hysterical scream. The car stopped abruptly with both occupants, as white as if they had seen a ghost. They were terribly shaken but remained calm and silent; trying to recover from their fright. I went over and sincerely apologized, admitting that it was my fault. In fact both of us were in the state of shock. as it was really unexpected; I could have been killed. They accepted my humble apology as they knew I was a foreigner, a stupid tourist jay-walking and drove off without making a fuss.

I then remembered a story about resurrection as told by a priest and it went something like this. A couple went on pilgrimage to Holy Land and was accompanied by her mother-in-law. She was unlikable as in general with mother-in-laws; in fact she was a pain in the butt.

It happened that she had a heart-attack and died without recovering. The couple were left in a dilemma concerning the final rites and burial. The husband suggested burial in Holy Land as it was a privilege to die on pilgrimage and also to save enormous costs for repatriation.  However his wife objected strongly and insisted that the remains be exported back to their native land as quick as possible.

The husband was not only puzzled but also curious and wanted to know why his wife was insistent as it would have cost a ‘bomb-shell’. At first she was reluctant to reply but finally gave in, admitting that she was afraid taking into account the biblical story. That if her mother-in-law was buried in Holy Land; she would be resurrected on the third day. And of course it would not be in the best of her  interest as it would simply mean that she would have to put up with her monster-in-law all over again.

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